Endocrine system foods
Endocrine system foods
Already in ancient times, Hippocrates has said that "all diseases start from the gut," it obviously applies with full force in our case, so in this paper, we will go back to the base, namely food and how certain foods can serve as a building block for the synthesis of certain hormones.

Perhaps here is the place to mention that building material No. 1 of all hormones, all androgens, is cholesterol, so let's start by cholesterol-lowering medication making our hormonal system particularly vulnerable.

In the affected group and sex hormone synthesis suffers, also vegans (particularly long-standing), whose diet is mostly deficient in saturated fat or cholesterol, respectively.
Usually, as an alarm for low sex hormones, we report extreme conditions: anorexia, bulimia, excessive training. But under the radar remains another enemy of the endocrine system - gluten. In recent years, it has become somewhat fashionable to talk about gluten sensitivity and intolerance, and the facts suggest that this is not unreasonable.

We will recall that gluten is a protein that can be found in pasta, bread, and generally in a large portion of the grain. The usual symptoms of gluten intolerance are diarrhea, swelling and stomach pain.
However, in many women, there are also effects such as irregular cycles and birth defects. A number of medical practitioners now associate gluten intolerance with fluctuations in estrogen levels that produce results such as amenorrhea, infertility, and reduced ovarian reserve.
Other proven enemies of the hormone system are alcohol and caffeine, with sensitivity to both substances being individual.

Caffeine gives you a temporary boost of energy by raising cortisol. As we already know, chronic high cortisol "steals" from pregnenolone and blocks progesterone receptors in women.

Exhaustive workouts are also something most women prefer to quit to enjoy a balanced hormonal system longer. Intensive workouts can alleviate the symptoms of estrogen deficiency but only if you have a normal weight and a good fat/muscle mass ratio.

Overweight women could lead to vasomotor disorders. Intensive workouts, on the other hand, work well to increase testosterone in men, especially if combined with a cyclical diet. The latter is again detrimental to female sex hormones.
Once we have clarified some of the threats to hormones, here are some of their proven "friends":
It turns out that pine pollen contains bio-identical testosterone, just like the herb of Vitex Agnus Castus contains bio-identifiable progesterone. So pine pollen is a hormonal stimulant for men and Vitex for women.

Bee pollen and royal jelly work equally well for both sexes - some of the best precursors and great building material.

Coconut products.
There are many hormonal precursors in coconuts, and one of the best, of course, is the pregnenolone. Unless you suffer from metabolic disorders, your body can convert coconut products to cholesterol, and then to pregnenolone, which is a direct precursor to progesterone and androgens.

Suitable coconut products are cold pressed coconut oil, coconut cream (coconut cream), fresh young coconut. Keep in mind that mature coconuts that are commercially available are quite rich in insoluble fiber, resulting in their digestibility in the gastrointestinal tract and reduced absorption of beneficial substances.


Apart from being a powerful adaptogen, maca is already well known as "hormonal" food. Along with coconut products, it is a food that plays a key role in building a healthy endocrine system.

The hypothalamus is downstream and the pituitary is stimulated to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in a way that promotes the secretion of testosterone, progesterone, and DHEA from the adrenal glands and gonads.


Pomegranate helps to balance estrogen by serving as a "hormonal adaptogen"; increases the estrogen when the body needs more and blocks its action when it's over. On the other hand, pomegranate juice shows a rise in testosterone levels in saliva in males and females. The dose at which this effect occurs is one cup daily.


Colostrum contains a number of hormones and growth factors. Effects on insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) have also been proven to make it a key factor in building the hormone system in adolescents.
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