Fats - useful or harmful
Fats - useful or harmful
They are predominantly composed of carbon, hydride, and oxygen. They are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, thus producing energy.
Main Fat Properties:

• participate in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and others;
• protect against loss of internal heat;
• support nerve and brain functions;
• participate in maintaining the necessary body temperature.

Fats are divided into two main types - saturated and unsaturated fats and are composed mainly of fatty acids and glycerol.

• Animal fats contain predominantly saturated fatty acids.
• Vegetable fats contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids.

Essential or essential fatty acids, which are not naturally synthesized in the body, should be obtained through food. These are essential fatty acids, which are three main types - linoleic, linoleic and arachidonic acids.
Linoleic acid is vital and is essential for healthy skin and hair. It also promotes nervous and brain activity.
Arachidonic acid predates the formation of substances that are involved in the regulation of many vital processes of platelets, prostaglandins, and others.
The main essential fatty acids are Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Omega 3 fatty acid is found mainly in meat foods, especially in fish oil and in some plant products such as flax, hemp, walnuts, in a minimal amount and in some fruits like strawberries.

Omega 6 fatty acid is contained in many vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Under normal body functions in the body, the body transforms Omega 6 into Omega 3.

Another important fat product is cholesterol. It is present in the blood and most tissues of the human body and is extremely important for the nervous system. Cholesterol and its derivatives are an important part of cell membranes.

Adrenal glands use cholesterol to produce corticosteroids that have anti-inflammatory functions to protect the body. Increasing cholesterol in the body means that some inflammation has occurred and there is increased acidity.

There is good and bad cholesterol.

Fats that raise the level of cholesterol in the blood are found in meat, dairy products, bacon, cow's oil, palm oil.
Consuming a lot of acid-forming foods with complex structures of fat, protein, and carbohydrates (such as animal, dairy, cereal, and nuts) leads to an increase in acidity in the body. The result is inflammation and death of the cells. All necessary fats for the body are present in fresh and clean fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

• Never buy or use refined or heat-treated fats as well as pasteurized cow's butter. They are full of chemical preservatives, pesticides, and they are fast ranching. They do not have any useful ingredients for the body.

• Never cook your food with grease. Upon heating, fat changes its structure and forms cationic substances that damage the liver, kidneys and act devastatingly throughout the body.

• Fully reduce or deactivate fat in the form of animal products and concentrated fats such as olive oil, and other oils.

• Fats are best suited to leafy vegetables or pickled fruits.

• A good source of fat is all kinds of seeds and nuts, as well as avocados and olives, which we recommend to consume in moderate amounts.

• A good source of Omega 3 is the green leafy vegetables, most of which are found in turkey, spinach, and lettuce.

The human organism needs minimal amounts of fat.
When fat is mixed with protein and carbohydrates, digestion slows down and this prevents the absorption of essential nutrients.
So use moderate fat.
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