Mineral Water
Mineral Water
As the weather gets warmer more and more people are turning back to their habit to carry around a bottle of mineral water. It is no surprise that this healthy drink is much more preferred than regular tap water – it comes with more benefits and pleasant taste. Also the large variety of mineral water brands gives the average consumer many options to choose from. Also let’s not forget the sheer convenience of being able to purchase a bottle from virtually every food or drug store around.

Health benefits

Probably the most common reason people consume mineral water is its multiple health properties. Most brands contain calcium and magnesium which is a perfect combination because the body cannot put calcium to use without sufficient magnesium levels. Mineral water with these two elements helps maintaining bone density, muscle and neurological function and supports metabolism.  Bicarbonate improves digestion and sodium helps in maintaining the aforementioned fluid balance.

Better and lasting hydration

Aside from supplying your body with minerals and depending on the brand – vitamins, mineral water is much more effective when it comes to overall hydration. This is due to the high contain of electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, kalium, which play an important role in maintaining fluid balance within the body. You should keep in mind that every brand is specific in its mineral content so don’t forget the simple rule to always read the information on the label of every product you purchase.

The risks

The old saying that too much of anything is never good also applies to drinking mineral water. This is also true for water in general – overconsumption can lead to a condition called dilutional hyponatremia (water intoxication) which happens after the electrolyte levels in the body are severely out of balance. Although very rare, dilutional hyponatremia can be potentially lethal. Specialists say that you don’t need to drink mineral water every day since most of the elements in its content are found in food.


No one can deny that in moderation mineral water is not simply a convenient way to satisfy your thirst, but also a natural source of necessary elements. The last advice we are going to give you is: always research the brand of water you drink especially if your plan is to purchase a large amount and consume it over a long period of time. Needless to say not every shiny bottle of water comes from a pure mountain springs; deception is a very common practice in a large market. Also - different brands have different mineral content so take advantage of modern technology and learn more about the water you drink.
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