Revisiting the benefits of Yohimbe
Revisiting the benefits of Yohimbe

Revisiting the benefits of yohimbe

 Yohimbe is a tree which grows in West Africa whose bark contains the active substance yohimbine which is known as a potent aphrodisiac which increases the testosterone level and improves the libido in men. This can be attributed to its vasolidation properties where it enlarges effectively the blood vessels and increases the blood inflow as well as circulation.

The substance can be found both in the pharmaceutical and herbal-based sector of the market. The food supplement can be found in several forms usually- as a powder or an extract. The active alkaloid found in the bark, yohimbine, increases the blood vessels, helps with muscle gain, improves the endurance and encourages the metabolic processes. It also promotes a good motor function and helps the nervous system.

A trialwas carried out in collaboration of three hospitals, St. George’s Hospital, Hope Hospital and Tabay Hospital, which involved 70 male participants aged 18-70 who all suffered from erectile dysfunction. One was a placebo group while the other was given yohimbe HCl. The criteria to assess the effect regarded their ejaculation ability, frequency, interest in sex, blood rate. In the end it was reported that about 46% men recorded a marked improvement. It is important to note that yohimbe can help with erectile dysfunction of neurogenic and psychogenic origin but according to the results it is at its most effective in peripheral neuropathy cases.

It wasn’t until fairly recently that yohimbe became the focus of a lot of research and it was found that its active compound can be used as a supplementation for weight loss. As a result it became more prominent on the market for this characteristic feature, facilitating fat burning, that is. The secret lies within the formula which includes yohimbine and tawolscine. Together they bind to the cells and stimulate the fatty acid release whereby the fat which is stored is transformed into energy.

Bodybuilders even suggest that it is extremely efficient in cleansing the body from stubborn fat. This is why you can find yohimbe in combination with caffeine or l-arginine in pre-workout products. An American company even managed to develop an energy drink with yohimbe which has been steadily picking up speed with consumers.

Yohimbe should be consumed with good care because people who are sensitive to it or exceed the daily recommended use can suffer from its side effects which cover among others insomnia, nausea, headache, skin flushing, increased heart rate and anxiety. A lot of products on the market have insufficient amounts of yohimbe or lack it altogether so we wish to suggest our own, namely the Yohimbe bark. It contains concentrated extract from the tree and offers all of the benefits of yohimbine in one place!

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