The incredible health benefits of beets consumption
The incredible health benefits of beets consumption

If you are lucky, you are already a beetle lover who knows all you have to know about this great vegetable! But if you're like me, you've just seen beets just in a grocery store (or maybe your grandmother's kitchen). You probably did not give him a chance, but he should have.

Beetroot is an excellent source of useful nutrients and can be included in a variety of delicious meals. However, you may not yet be convinced of its qualities.


Antioxidants are substances that protect blood vessels and tissues from damage caused by free radicals. The damage caused by the attacks of free radicals can lead to many of the most life-threatening diseases of mankind and other problems that result in poor quality of life.
Beetroot is a source of phytonutrients, called betalains. They function as anti-cancer antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.

Bright red, purple and orange shades beet reveal its high content of antioxidants and like berries, provides similar molecules that can fight different diseases.

Beetroot is very useful for eye health, as it is rich in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids phytonutrients, which are also present in other vegetables such as carrots and pumpkins. They protect against diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are contained in the whole beet, but the largest amount is in the leaves. So if you want to keep a diet rich in antioxidants, give the beet a chance!

Anti-inflammatory properties

In fact, inflammation as a process is one of the body's most important mechanisms to protect itself from foreign bacterial or viral invaders. As a mechanism, inflammation is an extremely complex process, it has a complex meaning and is a local reaction to the disease state of the body.


Too many inflammations, however, can lead to serious problems and illnesses such as:

  • Candidose
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic pain
  • Bronchitis
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Infections
  • Wrinkles
  • High blood pressure

The average person's diet is full of processed foods high in sugar and trans fats. "Bad" foods cause illnesses, weaken the immune system, and directly affect inflammation. Inflammatory processes can be regulated by natural methods, such as beet consumption.

Betanin, one of the most investigated betalains found in beets, has impressive anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties. In fact, it's a vitamin derived from choline-containing organic nitrogen. With a pronounced lipotropic effect, it also helps to neutralize lactic acid and reduce the levels of toxicity of the harmful homocysteine - intermediate protein product formed in the process of converting the amino acid methionine.

By participating in amino acid reactions in the body, betaine maintains good kidney, liver and heart condition.


Improves the functions of brain and mental health

If you have memory problems or feel slightly suppressed, beets can help. Beet contains nitrates that make the body produce more nitric oxide. It relaxes the blood vessels, increasing the flow of blood and the amount of oxygen to the whole body, respectively to the brain.

Betaine in beets is used to treat some types of depression, making it a great food to improve our mental state.

Red beet is high in manganese. Manganese is a mineral that is involved in many enzyme systems in the body. It activates the enzymes responsible for the absorption of certain essential nutrients, including vitamin A, B1 and C. It is a catalyst for the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, facilitates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as in the production of sex hormones and maintenance of reproductive health.


Manganese is essential for the formation of thyroxine - the major thyroid hormone that ensures normal functioning of the central nervous system. manganese improves memory and reduces nervous irritability.

Benefits for the heart

If you start taking medicines, increase your physical activity or reduce your sodium intake, you will lower your blood pressure. But the same result can be achieved by eating beets!

According to UK nutritionists, the daily use of a cup of beet juice reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack by 40%.

In addition, people who regularly use beets in the form of a vinaigrette, salad or soup, as a rule, have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Beets lower blood cholesterol levels thanks to saponin content, and thanks to potassium, it regulates blood pressure.


Natural detoxification

For decades, people have been trying to find ways to clear their bodies of toxins. Although our body takes care of this process itself, it sometimes needs little support.

Beets contain betaine and pectin, protecting the liver and the digestive system. These two chemicals have the ability to cleanse the body by reducing the amount of toxins and the likelihood of them getting into all organs and systems. Root helps to stabilize the acid-alkaline blood balance (pH). It is a key factor in natural detoxification.

If you think you need to detoxify the body, be sure to include the beet in your menu. It will help you get rid of toxins, whether you eat it in the form of a salad or juice.


Slows the aging process

Everyone wants to live long and keep their young and fresh look. Fortunately, beetroot can help us greatly to achieve this goal. The cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties of the beet, which we have already talked about, are key factors in the battle with aging.

Red beets are great for the skin - according to legends, Aphrodite has eaten red beets to maintain their beauty. Regular consumption of red beet juice delivers the body the necessary nutrients to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin and hair.

Red beet juice is cleansing the blood, releasing toxins and excess water and, as a result, the skin shimmering. Juice can also be applied externally for nourishment and moistening. Regular consumption ensures healthy and even tanning of the skin and promotes regeneration processes.


Because it contains powerful antioxidants, beet protects the skin from premature aging by neutralizing the effects of free radicals. According to some research, the regular intake of red beet juice reduces to 60% fine wrinkles and lines on the skin. The juice also contains lycopene, which keeps the skin elastic and protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, thus protecting us from sunburn and skin cancer.

Improves physical endurance

Do you feel physical weakness and fatigue lately? Beetroot can help.

Betaine contained in beets effectively protects cells and tissues from dehydration and osmotic inactivation by facilitating energy storage processes in the body. In an experiment conducted in New Jersey, it has been found that 15 days of beta heavyweight athletes significantly increase their endurance. There is evidence that betaine intake:

  • Increases strength and muscle volume;
  • Strengthens muscle fibers;
  • Improves blood supply to the muscles.

How to Consume Beetroot

There are many ways to prepare and consume beets.

First of all, beets can be eaten raw, because they have a crisp texture and an interesting flavor. In addition, when consuming it raw you are guaranteed the intake of the full range of useful substances it contains. You can add the beet to a mess, prepare juice or salads.

Boiled beet is typical of the Eastern European cuisine and most often it is made of traditional borsch soup. Keep in mind that during heat treatment some of the beet nutrients are lost and their taste changes dramatically.

You can also bake the beet for less than an hour on low heat until it softens. Be careful when cooking with beets because its juice may stain your skin and clothing!


Remember, you should consume any portion of the vegetable, including its leaves, which contain:

  • Protein
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Iron

And something else - beet may stain your urine in pink or even red! However, this is normal and should not bother you in any way.

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