Anxiety, insomnia, and panic
Anxiety, insomnia, and panic

One of the most painful emotional states is the strong anxiety, panic, and stiff fear. The rapid heartbeat, the feeling of dyspnea and the loss of control prevent a person from enjoying life, spending his / her time and success in the activities and areas in which he/she wants to realize - the profession, the partnership, the parenting.

In addition, these conditions are often combined with insomnia, which further exacerbates the nervous system and increases internal tension.

After a long period of great anxiety, insomnia, and distress, some people feel complete physical and mental exhaustion, and they may experience depression. But there is no need to stay in the "prison" of your own anxiety and fear. Freedom is achieved by changing some patterns of thinking and lifestyle.

Reasons for strong anxiety, panic and insomnia may vary from person to person, but there are some universal principles that would help everyone to begin a healthy change.

Principles for maintaining emotional balance and dealing with states of anxiety and fear.

Get to know your anxieties and fears. What provokes them? Are there any real dangers at the moment or negative ideas that create them? Psychotherapist Tara Bennett-Golman describes the emotional pattern of vulnerability in her book "Emotional Alchemy."

Many children grew up with anxious parents who had the habit of "crashing" the events of life and turning normal life challenges into exaggerated problems accompanied by a sense of complete loss of control over life.

These children are then often old enough to worry excessively and not to believe in their own ability to cope with the challenges, that is, they, like their parents, develop the vulnerability pattern. And instead of directing their energy to find a solution to real problems, they waste their energy in unnecessary worries provoked by negative ideas.

If you recognize these people, you need to develop a better ability to make an objective judgment of the situation and build more faith in your own skills to face challenges and find good solutions.

The more you try to "fight" with fear or "flee" from it, the more you conquer. When you allow yourself to experience it, give it space to exist and say to yourself, "I give it to you. I will not run away from you. You have a reason to be here. What is your message, fear? ", This emotion decreases naturally.

Watch your senses with curiosity without losing in fear, but without feeding it with negative thoughts. Where do you feel the fear in your body? Is that the emotional state you are experiencing at the moment, which situation in the past reminds you of?

You will realize that often your "inner child" is the part of you who feels fear because he has experienced childhood situations that have frightened him very much, and now he is looking for ways to prevent such situations from constantly trying to predict possible "Dangers" to avoid being surprised again as unpleasant as before.

But this is the immature part of you, your "inner child" that holds the memories of all the emotional states you have experienced as a child. Now, however, you also have a mature part in yourself - an "inner parent", as it is called in psychology, and this mature part can take care of the comforting of your inner child and the successful coping with various life situations.

Fear is part of you, but it is only one part. Do not identify with fear.

Give him the right to go through you as a flash through a lightning rod and "ground". Its intensity will decrease.

You will see that when you stop running away from fear, you will feel an inner strength. Know that you have the resources to learn from life, from your fear, including, and become stronger. With the help of a psychologist, you can optimally quickly decode what is the message of these emotional states and why they have appeared in your life. Then you will know what you need to change, and the strong fear and anxiety will disappear by themselves because they will be redundant.

Get rid of the perfectionism scheme. You can read more about this model in the book "Emotional Alchemy". Many of the highly anxious people who suffer from insomnia, constant nervous tension and explosion are perfectionists. To want to be very good at what you are doing and to work on your perfection is one thing, but not to let yourself be mistaken in the learning process is quite different.

Every extreme is harmful. This also includes excessive self-criticism. If a person learns from his mistakes, I will not repeat them, and this is an exceptional success on his own. But not allowing the possibility of error stops development and creates unbearable tension for man and others.

Love yourself - a phrase that is often repeated and which, if it is really applied every day, will lead to a qualitative change in a person's life, to a great positive change. A valuable addition to the phrase - Love yourself in a HEALTHY way!

Because for some people to love themselves means to digest the easiest and most familiar thing to avoid unpleasant emotions - alcohol, food overeating, "virtual escape" in a computer game, taking some pharmaceutical remedy to relieve and .n. This is not a love affair because it does not solve the problems and does not lead to a lasting, positive change.

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