Brazilian walnut - The Giant of the Amazon Jungle
Brazilian walnut - The Giant of the Amazon Jungle
Brazilian walnut
The Giant of the Amazon Jungle

Brazilian walnut is the fruit of Bertholletia excels, whose homeland is South America.
This plant is typical of Guyana, Brazil, East Columbia, East Peru and East Bolivia. It also occurs on the shores of the Amazon, Orinoco and the Rio Negro. It is a tree up to 50 m tall and a stem diameter of up to two meters, making it one of the most massive tree species in the whole of South America.

Brazilian nuts look like mature coconut and reach about two kilos of weight. Their interior is more like the cocoa fruit, and there are many edible seeds wrapped in shells.
Although in many languages their name is "walnut", botanically they are seeds.

Nutrition information for 100 grams:

Energy 656 kcal
Fats 66g
Protein 14g
Carbohydrates 12 g

One distinctive quality of Brazil nuts is the high content of selenium - 1917 mcg per 100 grams, making it the richest in this mineral food.

Other minerals worth mentioning are phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. From vitamins in Brazil nuts, we can find vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol, folate, and choline.

Unusually high is the presence of fats in Brazil nuts - whole 66 grenades per 100.
Of these 15 grams are saturated, 24 and 21 are respectively mono- and polyunsaturated fats. The ratio of essential fatty acids is 18 mg to 20564 mg in favor of omega-6 fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Brazil Walnut Consumption

The rich content of selenium makes Brazil nuts not only one of the best antioxidants among nuts and seeds but also acts favorably for the secretion of thyroid hormones, prevention of liver cirrhosis and some cancers, especially prostate cancer.

Brazil nuts are also rich in vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane of the mucous membranes and the skin and protects it against the influence of free radicals.

They are also a wonderful food for men as they stimulate testosterone production, improve the mobility and quality of sperm, and generally act exceptionally beneficial to the male reproductive system.

Protein in Brazil nut is considered to be one of the few complete in the plant kingdom, which makes them a preferred food for vegetarians.
As a drawback, it can be noted that because of their high-fat content they are easily rancid and well kept in a cool place.

Interesting Facts About Brazilian Walnut
  • Despite its name, Brazil's largest exporter of Brazil nuts is actually Bolivia
  • Brazing in Brazil is banned because it is a declining species
  • The fruit of the tree is extremely heavy and poses a danger to people and vehicles passing by

  • Unlike other nuts, the consistency of the Brazil nut is extremely dense, making it possible to sink into water, and this sometimes drains the river beds
  • Brazilian walnut is extracted exclusively from pristine forests due to the fact that forests affected by human activity are not inhabited by sufficiently large bees of the species Bombus, Centris, Epicharis, Eulaema and Xylocopa, and these are the only species capable of To polish the colors of the Brazilian walnut due to the specifics of its colors.
  •  It is a wonderful example of the complex network of interdependence of species in the jungle: the only bees pollinating it inhabits only places where a particular type of orchid grows, so that the tree is indirectly dependent on the flowers and consequently relies on the rodent Aguti (also the only inhabitant Of the jungle with enough force to break the fruit's flesh) to spread its seeds and multiply it.

Due to its high oil content, the Brazil nut is used not only in the food industry, such as a lubricant for watches, a raw material for paint for artists, and also in cosmetics.
Brazilian nuts look like mature coconut and reach about two kilos of weight.
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