5 Healthy Facts About Carrots
5 Healthy Facts About Carrots
1. For a healthy heart

Regular consumption of carrots helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

According to a British study, consumption of about 200 grams of vegetables for three weeks resulted in a reduction in "harmful" cholesterol by 11%.

It is known that high cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for heart problems.


Another group of scientists has found that root vegetables reduce the risk of heart attack. The study of the Institute of Pharmacological Research in Italy found that people who regularly eat carrots have a 1/3 lower risk of heart attack than those who rarely consume vegetables.

2. Prevents cancer

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which, according to studies, favors the reduction of the risk of some cancers, especially of the lung.


British researchers found that increasing consumption of beta-carotene from 1.7 to 2.7 milligrams per day reduces the risk of lung cancer by over 40 percent. On average, the carrot contains about 3 milligrams of beta-carotene.

Another study showed that the fibers contained in carrots reduce the risk of colon cancer by 24%.

According to a third study, women who often consume raw carrots have a 5- to 8-fold lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who do not eat vegetables.


3. Against macular degeneration

Beta-carotene is also useful for vision. A study found that carcass-consuming people are 40% less likely to develop macular degeneration.

The disease is defined as the most common cause of loss of vision with age.

Crispy vegetables are also rich in vitamin A, which also helps maintain eye health and vision.


4. Against a stroke

Carrot per day reduces the risk of stroke by 68%. According to research results, people affected by a stroke who have the highest levels of beta-carotene have a better prognosis of survival than those with low levels.


5. Diabetes

Carrots are useful for regulating blood sugar due to the carotenoid content. Carotenoids affect insulin resistance and thus contribute to lowering blood sugar.

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