Better honey than sugar!
Better honey than sugar!
Can honey become a rational substitute for sugar?

Honey is constantly being studied in science. It has long been used in nature medicine as an aid for treating wounds. Now scientists have been able to prove that he can really treat wounds infected by persistent bacteria for weeks.

Food composition of honey:

• fructose: 38%
• glucose: 31%
• sucrose: 1%
• water: 17%
• other sugars: 9%
• inorganic substances: 0.17%

Health Benefits of Honey Consumption

The antiseptic (antibacterial) effects of honey were unexplained until recently, but as science progressed, that changed.

We know that bees synthesize an enzyme called glucose oxidase, that provides the constant influx of hydrogen peroxide that our body derives from sugar in the honey.

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic and is the cause of the healing properties of honey.
As we know, honey can increase the level of antioxidants in the blood.

Their strength is equivalent to that of many vegetables.

Studies of a different color of honey found that the darkest expresses, the most the effects of antioxidants.

Taking into account the dangerously high consumption of sugar in America - 3 pounds a week per person (about 1,350 grams), we can immediately see the benefits of honey as a substitute for sugar in sweetening - antioxidants will be in a significant amount and will provide beneficial effect.

The conclusion is - use honey, but in moderate amounts, for a sweeter and healthier life!

Despite the good words, we should not forget that it is a source of simple sugars and its glycemic index is 88 (glucose, taken as 100), which is about 35% more than that of crystal sugar.

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