Folic acid
Folic acid
Folic acid or so-called folate belongs to water-soluble vitamins of group B (namely B9) and is one of the most important for the good health of our organism. It is a yellow-orange crystalline powder and is of the general formula C19H19N7O6.

Folic acid is a coenzyme needed by the body to gain muscle mass and form hemoglobin, as it actively participates in the synthesis of the amino acid serine, in the metabolism of tyrosine, vitamins C and B12.

Vitamin B-9 is an essential vitamin that can not be formed in the human body and is critical to preventing neural problems in the human embryo.


Why is folic acid so important?

Folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects of the baby to 70% by helping the spinal cord and brain to develop properly, participating in the formation of DNA and RNA, which stimulates cell growth. The main function of folic acid in the body is the participation and in the process of methylation. Folate is the form of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate is involved in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine, which in turn synthesizes S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). As a by-product, SAMe is the main methyl donor for the body.


Vitamin B9 is also actively involved in metabolic processes, making the amino acid cysteine methionine, thereby reducing the levels of the first amino acid in the blood, which is particularly important for the well-being of the placenta and reduces the risk of premature birth on time.

Besides, folic acid promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, preventing the body from developing anemia and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reducing the level of stress hormones. This vitamin also plays a key role in the absorption of other Group B vitamins provides energy for the body and helps it more easily to fight fatigue.


Why do we need to take folic acid?

Folate is an essential vitamin, which means that it is necessary for the body to provide vitamin B9 daily through food or supplements, on the advice of a specialist. The human body is designed so that it can not produce folic acid, nor can it stores stocks of it for a longer period, and the natural folic acid that is taken through the food is unstable and loses its activity during heat treatment or set at room temperature.


Folic acid, entering the body, falls into the liver and plasma, as well as in erythrocytes, where it binds with iron and helps form hemoglobin. The liver depot for vitamin B9 manages to cover the needs of the body for three months, as long as the acid is completely discontinued.

How is folic acid absorbed?


All forms of vitamin B-9 are absorbed well in the human body. Folic acid and coenzyme forms are degraded to folate. These two forms, as well as the folate itself, are absorbed in the small intestine for the most part. The intake of folic acid in particular also significantly increases serum levels.

Much of the absorbed folate is used in the liver, then returns to the small intestine.

This process allows stable folate levels to be maintained over a longer period. Serum folate concentrations also increase significantly with 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. Serum levels remain high up to 4 weeks after discontinuation.


Sources of folic acid

All leafy vegetables (green salads, cabbage, parsley, spinach), asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, ripe beans, peas, tomatoes, radish, barley, sprouts, lentils, rice, wheat germ, oatmeal, chickpeas; liver, lamb and beef, soft cheeses, eggs, and whole-grain bread.
The fruits with the highest content of folic acid are avocados, papaya, oranges, and strawberries. In some countries, folic acid is used as a food additive in the production of pasta (fig, pasta, spaghetti, etc.). acid can be found in our vitamin B-9 content section.

What to combine folic acid with?

Folic acid does not exhibit strong synergy with other trace elements, but it is good to combine with certain substances because of their specific effect or their overall effect. Folic acid is the most important supplement during pregnancy and it is good to combine it with other key nutritional supplements such as vitamin D and fish oil. Folate acid is good to combine with vitamin B-12 to avoid potential and harmful effects.


Where to find folic acid?

Folic acid is an extremely massive, affordable supplement.

Vitamin B-9 is found in absolutely any multivitamin product, whether it's sports, daily or specialized. Folic acid is a mandatory part of the formula for pregnant and nursing products, typically in these products, the dose is 800 mcg. The folate is also contained in the products for balancing homocysteine and other formulas for enhancing the methylation processes.

Folic acid is found to be a stand-alone nutritional supplement for all manufacturers of healthy nutritional supplements. It is usually in the form of tablets or capsules, the concentration being from 400 to 800 μg per dose.


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