Honey – one underestimated assistant
Bee honey is a sweet juice that bees collect from plants, process it, enrich it with enzymes and store it in wax cakes. Honey gives a lot of energy to the trainees who use it.
General information about honey
Natural honey with its taste and nutritional qualities is one of the most valuable food products known since antiquity. In addition to all the other valuable qualities it possesses, the honey helps with headaches and relieves the hangover.
Honey contains fructose, which helps to break down alcohol more quickly. It is absorbed entirely by the body, with up to 3 400 calories of energy consumed per kilogram of honey.
Composition of honey
Its composition is protein, vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B6, K, C, E, provitamins – A, PP, organic acids, enzyme invertase, lipase and many other elements that are found in the blood in small amounts, in pure bee honey there are also: invert sugar (fruit or grape) – 73% , sugar beet – 2%, water – 20%, dextrin – 2%, nitrogenous substances – 0,99%, acids – 0,1% and mineral substances – 0,1%.
In 100 grams of honey there are:
Water – 21%
Proteins – 0,4%
Fat – 0%
Carbohydrates – 78,3%
Calories – 323 – but they are absorbed very quickly by the body
Carbohydrates (70-80%) mainly represented by glucose, fructose, disaccharide sucrose.
Health benefits of honey for the training man
Honey gives a lot of energy, strength, and endurance to the trainees who use it. It is good to take before and after a workout, but it is not necessary, especially if you are on a diet (whether it is to increase or decrease the mass). Very good is the combination of honey + nuts.
Honey contains bio-stimulants, substances that increase the vital activity of the body.
Observations have shown that athletes who use honey before racing or breaks between them quickly rebuild muscle energy.
Many doctors recommend honey from elderly people and children, as well as people who need a rapid recovery of strength and after an illness.