Submerging yourself in icy water is not easy, or at least the cold doesn’t show any sympathy for how you’re feeling that day, but it has a profound effect on our body a ...
You’ve probably heard the news. 2023’s July saw record-breaking temperatures all across the globe. According to some data, it’s entirely possible that this is the ...
The Christmas season – the time when everybody gathers around the table to catch up on the latest life updates, major events, and sweet, sweet gossip. It’s often dep ...
Dimethylglycine is an amino acid that until years ago was misclassified as a vitamin. However, this does not make it less useful for our body, on the contrary, it affects many proc ...
Many athletes wonder how best to get quality protein if they switch entirely to a vegetarian and vegan diet. And as we know, good protein intake means better gaining muscle mass, m ...
Chlorophyll plays an important role in nature due to its specific properties. It is responsible for the green color of plants and their health. In addition, chlorophyll is rich in ...
The first 30 minutes after awakening have an important impact on how the rest of your day will be.
Healthy morning habits can have a positive effect on your mood. Instead of thr ...
Today's lifestyle can increasingly lead to a bad mood or even depression. Mental work is higher at the expense of rest and social work.
The main thing to change these ...
Fish + milk?
Some people do not think that serious arguments will be found against the combination of fish and milk. To them, avoiding it is a no-matter recommendation giv ...