10 Nutritional habits to be built before 40
10 Nutritional habits to be built before 40
Being 40 is great. You are smart, wise and no longer worried about small things. If you have children - they are big enough for you to have fun, and if not, you will be a great parent with all your life experience.
But with this age, there are some changes in your health and body that you may not be ready for.

1. Eat more

Metabolism is theprocess of any chemical reaction in the body. There are several reasons why some people have a slower metabolism and unfortunately, age is one of the main culprits. But do not worry, there are certain ways you can hurry your metabolism, and eating is key. Do not forget to eat often and never miss a meal.

To get even better results, add more protein to your diet. This will help you maintain muscle mass and not overeat.

2. Select whole grains

There are 2 basic types of grains: whole and refined. Guess who's best for you? All, of course. "Whole" means that the grain is either in its original form or has been ground without removing any part of the seed.

Whole grain is a great source of vitamin B, potassium, magnesium and fiber, which helps digestion and reduces the risk of heart problems, obesity, and diabetes. That's right - whole grain bread is the best choice for you and your loved ones.

3. It's time for nuts

An interesting fact: Nuts are actually considered fruit. Fruit that is high in fat, low in carbohydrates and has a large number of nutrients. Nuts are loaded with antioxidants that protect cells, can lower your bad cholesterol levels and can help with type II diabetes.

They are also considered very good for your heart. But be careful when you eat them, you only need a small amount of a day to make the most of them.

4. Lentils are good for you

Lentils are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin B9, which is also known as folic acid. Consuming lentils can help you reduce bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart problems, diabetes, and obesity.
Minerals, called selenium, not present in most foods, are in the lentils. It helps fight cancer, cognitive decline in the elderly and can even improve chronic asthma.

5. Add a little useful bacteria

So far, we already know the importance of healthy intestinal flora. Products such as kefir, yoghurt, and combo contain probiotics that help maintain bowel health.

Taking some of these products daily or taking an add-on is especially useful for women over the age of 40 who experience pre-menopausal symptoms.

End of part 1..
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