7 Health Benefits of Apple Vinegar
7 Health Benefits of Apple Vinegar
For many years, apple cider vinegar has been a secret weapon in the arsenal of the Holistic and Healthy Nutritionists.

While some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar are simply folklore from generation to generation, others are backed up by scientific research and scientific evidence.

What is apple vinegar and how is it prepared?

To make apple vinegar, you naturally need apples cut into pieces that are mixed with water and left to ferment. After a few weeks, the apple pieces are removed and the liquid is allowed to ferment for a few more weeks.

The natural sugar found in apples actually becomes a form of alcohol. While the mixture is in the process of fermentation, healthy bacteria begin to form and ultimately produce acetic acid. It is precisely this acetic acid that gives us everything that we can take advantage of for better health.


The so-called "mother" is a natural substance created during the fermentation process of vinegar. It appears as a spider-like formation floating in vinegar. The "mother" is alive and consists of bacteria, enzymes, and nutrients.

The presence of the mother shows that vinegar has not been processed and filtered. Most often you will find it at the bottom of the bottle. This is the essence of apple vinegar. "Mother" stores the enzymes and gives us a guarantee of the value and quality of vinegar.

In this article, we will give you 7 scientific reasons for consuming unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.


Reduces oxidative stress

The foundation of every living organism lies in the ability of cells to produce oxygen and maintain their vital functions. Biochemical processes naturally lead to the formation of reactive oxygen radicals.

Cells are usually capable of balancing the production of oxidants, and not all of them are harmful to us. But when the balance in the body is disturbed and the level of free radicals increases, the exhaustion of antioxidants causes the so-called oxidative stress. It leads to cell damage that underlies the aging process and the development of a number of diseases.


It turns out that apple vinegar can reduce oxidative stress.

According to a study published in the journal Membrane Metabolism, apple vinegar increases the levels of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins in the body, thus contributing to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

2. Improves the health of the heart

A 2001 study focuses on acetic acid and examines the effects of continued use of vinegar. It turns out that acetic acid helps to lower blood pressure and plasma renin activity.


Results from another study conducted on rats show that the use of apple vinegar reduces cholesterol. Over the course of 19 days, the rats were divided into three groups and passed through three different diets. The former did not contain any cholesterol, the second was with 1% cholesterol and no acetic acid, and the third one with 1% cholesterol and 0.3% acetic acid.

Data showed that in rats that were subjected to the third diet, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were lowered. The study concludes that the combination of vitamins and minerals in apple vinegar helps the liver to get rid of accumulated toxins and fats and to maintain normal levels of pH in the body.


3. Regulates blood sugar levels

Numerous studies have proven that apple vinegar is working to control type 2 diabetes. Several studies have been conducted by Carol Johnston, a professor of nutrition at Arizona State University.

Dr. Johnston's studies have shown that eating apple cider vinegar reduces insulin resistance (an inability of cells to use insulin) on average by 64% in people with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes . Improved insulin sensitivity (the ability of cells to use insulin) with up to 34% . and lower blood glucose peak by an average of 20%. Studies conducted in Greece, Sweden, Japan, and the Middle East have confirmed many of Dr. Johnston's findings.

How it works: acetic acid in vinegar - the compound that gives vinegar its tingling taste and sharp odor - suppresses the activity of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates found in foods containing starch like potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta.

As a result, these foods are digested and absorbed more slowly, thus lowering blood sugar and insulin levels.

4. Weight loss

Controlling blood sugar is also beneficial for weight loss, so if you're trying to get rid of excess pounds, apple cider vinegar is an excellent option. By controlling your blood sugar level, you will also reduce your appetite for unhealthy foods.


We will look at a study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine in which 12 volunteers took part. They received 18, 23, or 28 mmol of acetic acid. Thereafter, the individuals are fed with about 50 grams of white breaded carbohydrates. The control group ate white bread without the addition of apple vinegar.

Blood samples taken about 120 minutes after a meal show that higher amounts of acetic acid led to lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Participants who received the highest doses of acetic acid also reported the longest periods of satiety. The feeling of satiety is essential for all those who are trying to lose weight because it means you will consume smaller portions without feeling constant hunger.

5. Stop hiccup

One of the most interesting benefits of apple vinegar is its ability to stop and prevent hiccups.

Manchester's 13-year-old girl, Mallory Kimmune, invented a lollipop to stop hiccup and even had a patent on her product. The hiccups contain apple vinegar and sugar.


6. Kills the bacteria

Another benefit of the use of apple vinegar is its antimicrobial potency. It can be used not only as a disinfectant for household surfaces but also as an antibacterial agent for our bodies.

Researchers from Entani & colleagues claim that apple vinegar can kill Escherichia coli bacteria. According to the results, the combination of apple vinegar and sodium chloride is an effective method of preventing bacterial food poisoning.


Candida fungi can also be defeated by apple cider vinegar.

7. Relieves heartburn and stomach pains

Although apple vinegar is an acid in itself when it is in the body it actually neutralizes the acids and restores the pH levels. Therefore, instead of reaching for drugs, you can try a natural remedy like apple cider vinegar. Mix two or three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 230 g of warm water and drink the liquid when acidic stomach occurs.

In addition to these eight benefits, you can find articles that claim that apple vinegar helps to treat burns, warts, allergies, leg cramps, and sore throats.


Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to support these claims, but since many of these natural remedies have been used for centuries, perhaps there is a certain amount of truth in them, do not you think?

What are the risks of apple cider vinegar?

In general, the risks of taking small amounts of apple vinegar sometimes seem small. But the use of apple vinegar for a long time or in large quantities may pose risks. Here are some things that we should not forget.

In short:

  • Apple vinegar is highly acidic. The main ingredient of apple vinegar is acetic acid. As the name suggests, it is quite sharp and strong. Apple vinegar should always be diluted in water or juice before it is swallowed. Pure apple vinegar can damage the teeth and tissue enamel in the mouth and throat.
  • The long-term use of apple vinegar can cause low potassium levels and reduce bone density. If your potassium levels are already low or you have osteoporosis, consult your GP before using apple cider vinegar.
  • Apple cider vinegar can theoretically interact with diuretics, laxatives, and medicines to treat diabetes and heart disease.
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