Calcium - Benefits, features and how to find it
Calcium - Benefits, features and how to find it
Calcium is a chemical element that is essential for living organisms, including humans. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body and vital to maintaining good health.
It is advisable to consume a certain amount of calcium to build and maintain healthy bones and good communication between the brain and other parts of the body.

Calcium is contained in many foods, can be added to products or taken as food supplements.
In this article we will explain why calcium is necessary for the human organism, what are its main functions, and what kind of foods to feed it.
1. Why Do We Need Calcium?

• Bone Strength - About 99% of calcium in the human body is found in bones and teeth. Calcium continues to strengthen people's bones until they reach 20-25 years of age when bone density is the highest. After this age it decreases, but calcium continues to help maintain bone, which is a natural part of the aging process. People who did not consume enough calcite before age 20-25. are at greater risk of developing bone disease and osteoporosis later in life.

• Muscle contractions - Calcium regulates muscle contractions, including heart muscle twitching. When the nerve stimulates the muscle, calcium is released. After pumping it, the muscle relaxes again.

• Blood Clotting - Calcium plays an important role in normal blood clotting. Blood clotting is a process during which it produces a means of preventing dangerous and excessive bleeding. When a blood vessel is damaged, the platelets collect at this site to stop bleeding.

The clotting of the thrombus is accomplished by clotting factors that help keep them clinging together. As it became clear, calcium is precisely these important factors.

2. Foods rich in calcium

Calcium is found in some foods and beverages. We recommend getting it from different sources.
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Nuts and seeds, including pistachios, sesame, almonds and hazelnuts
  • Figs
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
3. How much calcium do we consume per day?

According to the American Institute of Medicine, our daily consumption of calcium should be:

From 1 to 3 years 700 milligrams / day
From 4 to 8 years 1000 milligrams / day
From 9 to 18 years 1300 milligrams / day
From 19 to 50 years 1000 milligrams / day
Nursing or pregnant teenagers 1000 milligrams / day
Nursing or pregnant adults 1,000 milligrams / day
From 51 to 70 years (men) 1000 milligrams / day
From 51 to 70 years (women) 1200 milligrams / day
Over 71 years 1200 milligrams / day

4. Deficiency of calcium and supplements

Calcium deficiency can occur in several ways - inadequate intake, poor absorption or loss through urine, sweat and stool.
It is important to note that incorrect bone mineralization caused by calcium deficiency in children leads to rickets - a condition of bone deformities and a slowing of growth.
In adults, calcium deficiency results in softening of the bones.
To maintain normal blood concentrations, the body relies on calcium stored in the bone if it is too low to eat with the diet.

The low calcium content in the blood, especially the so-called ionized calcium, can result in a condition called tetanus. Symptoms include muscle aches and cramps, and tingling of the hands and feet.

Calcium deficiency can also be caused by a lack of gastric acid, which disturbs calcium absorption. Taking vitamin D is necessary for the absorption and use of calcium. If it is inadequate or if its conversion is done in the liver and kidneys, this would also lead to a calcium deficiency.

People with calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) are usually advised to take calcium supplements. Supplements should be taken with food for the best absorption and to minimize possible side effects.

Calcium supplements should be consumed at intervals distributed throughout the day, usually two or three times a day. Vitamin D is added to many calcium supplements because it promotes the synthesis of proteins in the body that make the absorption of calcium possible.

Choosing the right supplement these days can be confusing. There are different types in a wide range of combinations and preparations. Which is appropriate for use depends entirely on the needs and preferences of the patient and on his health.
5. Absorption of calcium

The following drugs and substances affect the absorption, recovery and physiological release of calcium: corticosteroids, aluminum-containing antacids, thyroid hormones, anticonvulsant drugs, some antibiotics, hormone replacement therapy, vitamin D, high potassium, high sodium, caffeine protein, certain types of food fiber, phytic acid contained in cereals, nuts and legumes, oxalic acid contained in spinach, beets, celery, peanuts, tea and cocoa.

6. Benefits of calcium

Calcium may play a role in the prevention and / or treatment of the following diseases: colon cancer, high blood pressure, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis, ovarian polycystic syndrome, induced hypertension in pregnancy.

Normal heart rhythm is provided by a series of muscle contractions that should appear in the correct sequence. These muscle contractions are controlled by electrical pulses triggered by electrolytes with a positive or negative charge. Calcium has a positive charge. It is one of the main and most important electrolytes in the body. The positive charge of calcium helps to signal the muscles of shrinkage and relaxation so that the heart beats normally.

As small, probably, they all told us to drink their milk and it was not just a parental whim. As we have to become more aware of the vital benefits of good food to our body, we need to be more interested in what processes are going on in our bodies, what our daily habits to remove and what to add to a better outcome, what can support us healthier and younger.

The more we know our body, the better we'll take care of it. We will get what he needs and keep the diseases away from us..
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