How slow eating can help you lose weight?
How slow eating can help you lose weight?
Whether because of the hectic daily routine or other reason, most of us eat their food on an autopilot - on foot, in a hurry for the next task - without chewing thoroughly In fact, slow meals turn out to be the better approach - not in vain as the little ones have been told chew more!

Research on the subject shows that when we chew thoroughly, we enjoy more food and give enough time for the satiety signal to reach the brain. As a result, it is much harder to overeat, and this helps to reduce weight.

Fast food is associated with obesity

People described as fast-paced consumers on average have a higher weight than those who claim to eat more slowly. A survey involving over 4,000 middle-aged men and women shows that those who eat faster are gaining more weight than those with slow-eating foods.

Slow eating leads to eating less food

The appetite and intake of calories are largely controlled by hormones. Usually, after eating, the levels of the hormone ghrelin that controls hunger are reduced. Also released are hormones such as cholecystokinin (CCK), peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which regained the feeling of satiety.

These hormones transmit a signal to the brain that you have eaten and the nutrients enter the body. As a result, appetite decreases, you feel better and stop eating.

Interestingly, however, it takes about 20 minutes for this process to take place. This means that if you eat more slowly, you will give the time to get the information to your brain.

When you eat slowly, you increase the levels of satiety hormones

In a scientific study, 17 healthy individuals with normal weight take two portions of 300 ml of ice cream at different times.
In the first portion, each participant in the study eats ice cream for 5 minutes. The second portion is eaten much slower - for 30 minutes.
In the latter case, the satiety hormones increase to a much greater extent, and the participants themselves confirm that they feel much better.
Various studies have shown that at a slower diet, the levels of satiety hormones are higher, allowing for a smaller amount of food.

Everything rests on more chewing!

Several studies have shown that overweight people tend to chew their food less than people with normal weight.

Chewing also affects the overall intake of calories. In a recent study, researchers are driving 45 people to eat pizza until they feel full. People are divided into 3 groups according to chewing: normal; 1.5 times normal and 2 times normal.

Average calorie intake decreases by 9.5% for participants chewing 1.5 times more than usual and 15% for those who chew twice as much!

Additional Advantages of Slow Diet

In addition to helping to lose weight, thorough chewing, and slow meals:

• Improve digestion;
• Help optimize the absorption of nutrients;
• Improves the health of the teeth and the oral cavity;
• Reduce stress;
• And last but not least, increase the enjoyment of food;

How to slow the pace?

• Do not get sick of starvation - when you are very hungry it is difficult to restrain and eat slowly. In order not to fall into such a situation, always have something healthy to eat at hand.
• Chew, chew, chew - count how many times you usually chew a bite and double the count.
• Always eat utensils - the use of utensils will slow the feeding process itself. It's always easier with your fingers! Leave the fork on the table while you chew - so you will not be tempted to put the next bite with your mouth before you finish the previous one.
• Consume foods that require more chewing - foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts require more chewing. Fiber also promotes weight loss.
• If necessary, use a timer - set your smartphone's timer for 20 minutes and try not to finish feeding before the alarm goes off.
• Do not distract yourself - avoid watching TV during meals.
• Breathe slowly and deeply - if you feel you eat fast, take some deep breaths and slow down again.
• Be patient - change takes time. It takes about 3-4 weeks to turn a slow diet into a habit.
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