Magical properties of plums
Magical properties of plums
However, they are extremely useful and must necessarily be included in the autumn menu.

Besides the incredible variety of flavors that different varieties that plums bring, they also have a number of health benefits.

Here they are:

Plums help vision

In plums are found extremely high doses of vitamin A, which is one of the best vitamins for eyes and eyesight. Plums also have zeaxanthin – one of the two carotenoids that protect the eye retina from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Plums control blood sugar levels

Plums are among the fruits with low glycemic index. Consuming plums helps control blood sugar levels, thus reducing the risk of developing diabetes. It is important that plums are taken in moderate quantities, as both fresh and dried are rich in sugars and carbohydrates.

Plums protect cells from damage

Plums are extremely rich in antioxidants. They protect the body cells from all kinds of damage and are a kind of prevention against cancer.

They support heart

Plums are among the richest in potassium. It keeps blood pressure at a normal rate, thus reducing the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

Increase metabolism

Blue plums, taken in any form, improve the metabolism. Fibers in them help with constipation.
Dried plums are also extremely useful for the body. They fight bad cholesterol, improve stomach and intestine and have strong antibacterial properties. They strengthen the immune system and give the body and energy it needs. Their treatment cleanses the urinary tract, fights against anemia and nourishes and rejuvenates the skin cells.

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