Mucuna: herb recognized by the Western medicine
Mucuna: herb recognized by the Western medicine
For centuries, Ayurveda medicine has kept a deep secret. An herb that has exceptional properties, rarely mentioned but in the same time widely used in the Western medicine. This is Mucuna or the so-called Velvet Bean.
A plant that grows mainly in India, Mucuna has a unique micro and macronutrient profile and high fiber content. An interesting fact is that it is one of the few herbs that is also used in traditional medicine. In the next few lines, we at HAYA LABS want to introduce you to this so interesting and at the same time useful medicinal plant.

Mucuna is a shrub that can reach a height of 15 meters and has a variety of colors. The most used part of the plant is its grains, which are rich in protein and fiber. Besides, they contain a large amount of fatty acids, due to this composition, Mucuna has powerful antioxidant properties. It has an extremely good effect on several health problems, including: skin inflammation, sleep disturbances and loss of muscle mass.

Mucuna is a very good help in terms of high cholesterol levels. Due to its sterol content, it regulates "bad" testosterone in the body, as well as blood sugar levels. Due to this feature it is extremely suitable for people who are trying to lose weight. It also has a strong anabolic effect, which helps gain lean muscle mass. Combined with its ability to increase testosterone levels, Mucuna is the perfect product to boost workout results.

An important property of Mucuna is its effect on growth hormone. Being the fastest precursor of Dopamine, the herb has a positive effect on mood and growth hormone synthesis. This is extremely important for proper metabolism, metabolic function and fat reduction. It also significantly improves the quality of sleep and promotes skin health.

Mucuna is an extremely rich source of the amino acid L-DOPA. It is a precursor of Dopamine and has a powerful arousing effect. It stimulates libido and increases testosterone secretion in men. In some countries, it is even used as a sexual stimulant. One of its main advantages over other testosterone stimulants is its ability to block the substance Prolactin, which is usually the main culprit for impaired testosterone levels.

In conclusion, we can say that Mucuna is an exceptional product with many useful properties. It promotes good mental and physical health by supporting our body in an indispensable way.
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