The New Caffeine – Theacrine
The New Caffeine – Theacrine
Every once in a while there’s a new food supplement that claims it’s the next best thing. It will “cure” everything that you’re suffering from, it will “burn” away the fat you can’t stand looking at, and it will “build” muscles faster than ever.

We all know, of course, that the hype is rarely anything more than just that – hype. There are many ways to find out whether such a product actually exists or is just false advertisement. You can look up studies by credible scientists or any other kind of scientific evidence.

More often than not, those “miracle products” have little or no back-up, allowing you to label them as nothing more than scams.

Theacrine, however, has some solid evidence behind it. Several studies have pointed out that theacrine has the same beneficial effects of caffeine – increased energy, better mood, and laser-sharp focus, but poses no drawbacks, like the good ol’ caffeine crash or caffeine dependency.

Are those studies enough, though? What the heck is theacrine, anyway, and can it really replace caffeine? Where can you find a high-quality theacrine product? Everything and more – coming right up!

What is Theacrine?

Theacrine, also called tetramethyluric acid, is scientifically classified as a purine alkaloid. In nature, theacrine is a primary component of the leaves of the Camellia kucha plant. The plant is widely used for the preparation of the Chinese tea that bears the same name – kucha.

Theacrine is also classified as a nootropic. Nootropics are substances that improve cognitive performance and sharpen focus. Surprisingly, caffeine itself is both a nootropic and a purine alkaloid. Caffeine can be found in almost every pre-workout supplement or energy drink.

Just like caffeine, theacrine increases energy, decreases fatigue, improves mood, and makes both physical and cognitive tasks easier and more enjoyable. It does this by preventing the reabsorbing of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. By doing this, the levels of dopamine practically skyrocket, which leads to all of the above benefits.

Finally, theacrine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain, preventing its build-up. Adenosine is the chemical responsible for sleepiness, tiredness, and general relaxation.

So you’re telling me that it practically raises dopamine levels, lowers adenosine, and has the same awesome effects of coffee? And it’s not even addictive?!

Yes! Exactly! However… Let’s take a closer look.

What Does Science Say?

Although theacrine is very similar to caffeine in its molecular structure, it has its own unique properties. There’s a sufficient body of studies that show some of the benefits of theacrine. You can read this particular study to get a better idea or you can just take a quick look at the list:

Theacrine has the ability to:

  • Increase energy levels and alertness by decreasing fatigue levels.
  • Improve the digestion of fates and reduce triglyceride levels.
  • Improve cognitive performance, concentration, and mood.
  • Improve the ability to learn and maintain good memory.
  • Reduce inflammation by counteracting histamine.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

So far, so good. This list of benefits is practically identical to the benefits provided by caffeine. You might be wondering what the difference between the two is. Well, let’s take a closer look at this study. According to the results, there are several key differences between the two substances.

First of all, theacrine doesn’t lead to addiction or dependency. Unlike caffeine, your organism doesn’t become accustomed to it, making it unnecessary to increase the dosage in order to receive the same effects.
Moreover, theacrine doesn’t cause a crash after it’s used and its effects are more durable over time. This means that after consuming theacrine, you won’t need to consume another dose shortly after, and you’ll enjoy its benefits for a longer period of time.

Lastly, theacrine doesn’t interact with blood pressure and heart rate the same way caffeine does. We all know what happens when we take a higher dose of caffeine – jitters, anxiety, elevated heart rate, and problems with sleep. Theacrine, unlike caffeine, doesn’t cause any of those.

Theacrine vs Caffeine

As theacrine gains popularity, you’ll find more and more pre-workout supplements that contain both creatine and caffeine. Interestingly enough, it appears that when combined, theacrine and caffeine increase each other’s effectiveness, as shown by this study.

The most common commercially available form of theacrine is a patented form called TeaCrine. At Haya Labs, we use the same ingredient in our Teacrine. More about it in a bit!

Most pre-workouts and fat-burners include anywhere from 40 to 250 mg of theacrine, in addition to the staple energy-boosting ingredients beta-alanine, citrulline, arginine, and of course – caffeine. It’s established that the upper limit for theacrine is 300 mg per day. As long as you don’t overdo it, you’ll reap all the benefits without forming a habit or dependency.

Haya Labs’ Teacrine and How to Supplement With it

Teacrine by Haya Labs is a result of rigorous scientific research and knowledge of the food supplement industry. Our product harnesses the power of TeaCrine and is designed to elevate your mind, body, and soul to new heights.

Peak performance has never looked this good; cognitive clarity has never been within such short reach. Haya Labs’ Teacrine is the food supplement that will revolutionize your gym grind and work life.

Supplement Facts

Each capsule contains a dose of 50 mg. Although it may appear like a small dosage, that’s one of the key strengths of the product. It allows you to test your tolerance by starting small.

When taking theacrine as a part of your pre-workout stack, the same rules as any pre-workout apply. Take it approximately 30-45 minutes before working out. Additionally, if you consume caffeine, you can experiment with combining it with theacrine.

It’s shown that theacrine interacts with caffeine in a way that allows you to gain more benefits from both. For example, taking 100 mg of caffeine and 50 mg of theacrine can yield better results than taking 120 or 140 mg of pure caffeine.

The Final Verdict

While research on theacrine is still small-scale, the studies that exist prove that most of the claims are indeed true.

If you wish to cut down your caffeine consumption, theacrine can help you deal with the imminent withdrawal symptoms. Get your own Teacrine by Haya Labs right now and prepare for the battle that is to come!

You’ll thank us later.


Haya Labs
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