Top 3 Vegan Protein Powders
Pea Protein
Pea protein powder is a supplement made by extracting protein from yellow peas. It’s typically used to increase the protein content of smoothies and shakes and is a great fit for almost any diet since it’s naturally vegan and hypoallergenic. That’s why it's one of the most common choices in terms of plant-based proteins. Pea protein is a high-quality protein and a great source of iron. It can aid muscle growth, weight loss, and heart health. Pea protein contains all nine essential amino acids that your body cannot create and must get from food. It’s also a great source of branched-chain amino acids, especially arginine — which promotes healthy blood flow and heart health — and leucine, isoleucine, and valine — which promote muscle growth. Recently studies demonstrate that pea protein is one of the more easily digested plant-based proteins — just behind soy protein and chickpeas. Pea protein powders are also rich in iron.
Rice Protein
Although it's not normally thought of as a “protein-rich” food, there is a fair amount of protein in the humble rice grain. It is one of the most popular Plant-based proteins because it has many nutritional properties. Rice protein is easily digested - Very often, people taking protein powders or on a high protein diet struggle with digestive upset. Rice protein powder, however, tends to be easier to digest and limit these problems.
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Soy Protein
Soy protein isolate powder contains very little fat and no cholesterol. Unlike most other plant-based proteins, soy protein is a complete protein. This means it contains all of the essential amino acids your body cannot make and needs to obtain from food. While each amino acid plays a role in muscle protein synthesis, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the most important when it comes to muscle building. One study showed that soy was inferior to regular protein in regards to synthesizing protein for muscle but performed better than casein. Researchers concluded that this could be due to the digestion rate or leucine content. Unfortunately although is rich in nutrients, soy protein could decrease significantly the mineral absorption in the body.
Haya Labs.